We have connections with many organizations and churches in Kenya, DRC (Congo), Benin, Togo, Ghana, Uganda, Nigeria, Liberia, Mexico, Belize, Italy and the United States where we donate funds, school supplies, clothing, nonperishable food items and bibles.
Our Programs
More than 20 million children suffer from malnutrition. Half of the 9.7 million deaths of children under five each year are caused by this condition.
Imagine living in a world without bibles. An estimated 200 million Africans are without God’s Word.
How would you learn about Jesus?
How would your faith grow?
The average African has to walk to collect water, got to school, and go to work. Walking can take up to 4 hours per day. A bicycle cut travel time to a fraction and gives families extra time to earn, learn, develop and grow with each other.
Your Support
You Can Help!
Your tax deductible donations can help in the following areas:
Hygiene Kits ($5)
Includes essential supplies for children: toothbrushes, toothpaste, washcloths, soap, and socks.
School Supply Kits ($5)
Includes basic supplies needed for school: pens, pencils, erasers, rulers, coloring pencils and crayons.
Bed Net ($10)
Bed nets treated with insecticide can protect young children, pregnant women and other high-risk groups against the bites of mosquitoes carrying malaria.
Bible ($10)
Giving someone access to God’s word.
Blanket ($40)
Providing a warm place to sleep.
50 lb Bag of Rice ($40)
Enough to feed a family for a month.
Bed, Mattress & Net ($70)
Providing a child a safe and warm place to sleep.
Bicycle ($130)
Help cut down on travel time and improve the quality of life.